To support the delivery of the Quietways major cycle programme in London.
Work Undertaken:
· Feasibility and concept design – collation of background data, option identification and evaluation, reporting on options. This has included route measures (e.g. signing/lining) and junction improvements (e.g. Garratt Lane/Magdalen Road, Wandsworth).
· Traffic signing – cycle signing strategy and design of Route 1 and Route 5 linking with Cycle Super Highways, other city cycle routes and key local destinations.
· Highways design – development of detailed design drawings Quietways proposals on Route 7 including junction improvements, carriageway re-alignment and strengthening, on and off street cycle routes and crossing points.
· Road Safety Audit – Stage 1/2 RSA of 126 sites within the Quietways programme area together with design review of cycling proposals.
All work has required LTP to undertake extensive consultation with TfL, London Boroughs and various stakeholders to develop schemes that reflect the Quietways design aspirations and continue to deliver a step change in cycle provision in London. The context of each route section and street environment led the development of the designs and ensured that the schemes were not over engineered or unnecessarily complex.
LTP led on the delivery of Road Safety Audits (RSA) in a Sustrans led consortium to deliver the Quietways major cycle programme in London. Quietway schemes are by their nature complex requiring a comprehensive rethinking of road space allocation on the London highway network. Utilising our auditors specialist skills in cycle design.