Technical Director – Developments
BSc(Hons) MSc(Eng) CEng FIHE MCIHT
01482 679 911
Steve leads our team of excellent transport planners and highway engineers in successfully delivering a large variety of development projects across the UK, from new homes and offices, to atypical schemes such as a blue light facility and a major castle/leisure resort. Close collaboration between planners and engineers, overseen by Steve and colleagues, means that LTP can deliver a full service focused on the needs of our clients and their developments, covering almost all reports, assessments, drawings and highway designs that can be required to support schemes.
Steve’s expertise covers every stage of developments, from feasibility, through planning applications, onto construction, and beyond. Joining LTP in 2008 with a degree in Mathematics and following a few years working at a Cambridge-based transport consultancy, Steve has grown his career with LTP. As well as managing colleagues and projects, his experience ranges from producing Transport Assessments, Travel Plans and Highway Feasibility Appraisals, to research projects and representation at public consultations, planning committees and appeals.
Steve is committed to the transport planning industry as a member of the Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE) and the Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT). Steve graduated from the world-renowned Institute for Transport Studies (ITS, Leeds University) in 2014 with an MSc(Eng) in Transport Planning & Engineering. His dissertation topic explored when priority T-junctions should include ghost island provision. Away from the office Steve enjoys a mix of sport, music, film and travel, all to the soundtrack of classic rock tunes (and a little bit of hip hop!).